“Introducing Midas: The Four-Eared Cat Captivating Hearts Across the Internet”


You may have heard the term “four eyes” for people who wear glasses, but “four ears?” It’s a new one and it perfectly describes Midas, a kitten who actually has many ears. Midas lives in Ankara, Türkiye, with his human Canis Dosemeci, who documented the kitten’s young life on Instagram. With his unusual characteristics, Midas is quickly becoming an internet star.

Unique cat born with 4 ears due to rare genetic mutation. The result is two small ears located in front of the normal set of ears you usually see on a cat. But what’s even more unusual is that each ear is functional! Dosemeci had Midas examined by a veterinarian, who said all four ear rings were connected to the ear canal.

In addition to special hearing, the genetic mutation also caused Midas to have a jaw defect. But despite these challenges, this kitten is just like any other cat. Midas’ Instagram shows her relaxing—alone or with her Golden Retrievers—and playing. Through this normal (in the best way) existence, Dosemeci hopes that Midas’s internet presence will inspire others to rescue pets rather than buy them.

Meet Midas, the cat with four fully functional ears.


Thế giới động vật: Chú mèo 4 tai gây bão mạng xã hội


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