Miraculous Escape: Cat Rescued from Under Five Tons of Rotting Garbage Moments Before Incineration

A pet cat that was thrown out in the trash had a lucky escape after trash workers rescued it from a huge pile of trash just minutes before it was to be taken to the incinerator.

Two garbage collectors from Stockholm, Sweden were preparing to transport food for burning when they heard a cat meowing in distress.

And when they checked the truck’s storage compartment, they found a pet named Melker buried inside.



Two garbage collectors in Sweden were preparing to throw away the trash in the back of their truck when they discovered a cat buried under a pile of garbage.



The cat named Melker was fished out of the trash after trash collectors spent more than half an hour sifting through the trash

The team then spent more than half an hour sifting through five tons of rotting waste to get Melker to safety.

Bekir Mercil, a member of the group that rescued the cat, said: “If we hadn’t come to save the cat, it would have headed towards the incinerator and you can imagine what would have happened.”

‘We got a shovel to remove the waste as carefully as possible without causing any harm and a broom to try to get the kitten out.

‘We finally got it out and saved it, which is a great feeling.



He was eventually taken to the vet, where he was cleaned up after being rescued from the litter before being incinerated





Maria Carlsson, a veterinary clinic employee in Vallentuna, Sweden, decided to adopt this dog.

It’s unclear how the cat got stuck in the truck but bin attendants won’t rest until it’s rescued – despite the stench.

They then placed the cat in a box and drove it to a nearby animal shelter before Maria Carlsson, a veterinary clinic employee in Vallentuna, Sweden, decided to adopt it.

Mr Mercil added: “He’s also a lovely cat – if we didn’t have two dogs we would have kept him for ourselves but luckily there’s already a home for him out there.” ‘.

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