Dogs Who Lost Everything in Flood Get New Toys to Make Them Smile!


In recent days, heavy rains have caused widespread flooding across much of Brazil’s southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul, displacing thousands of people from their homes and livelihoods. But while shelters have filled to the brim with people seeking refuge, they’re not the only ones in need of help.


Pets throughout the region are facing the exact same challenges — but fortunately, they haven’t been forgotten.

In the wake of the rising floodwaters, numerous videos have emerged showing dogs, cats and other animals being rescued and brought to safety from their harrowing ordeals.


Scenes like this one speak to the dedication of rescuers and the perseverance of those affected by the natural disaster.

Thanks to the work of volunteers, like those from the dog rescue group Abrigo Campos Sales, in the city of São Leopoldo, dogs who became lost from their families during the flooding have a safe haven, too.

A makeshift animal shelter was put in place to house those many displaced pups, giving them a warm, cozy spot to rest until the chaos around them finally subsides, and they can be reunited with their families.


But volunteers decided to do more than just keep the dogs safe. They found a way to make them happy, too.

Each were given a lovingly donated toy:

“To them, all the love in the world!” Josiane Zimmer, a coordinator at the shelter wrote. “We want to thank every donation and every volunteer who has been working tirelessly for this cause.”

The pups’ happy faces say it all.


While the makeshift shelter is far from an ideal home for the dogs who were lucky to have found a safe place to be, it is, with any luck, bound to be a short-term stay.

Volunteers have been sharing photos of the dogs under their care, hoping they’ll be recognized by their families.

It’s all made worthwhile seeing happy reunions like this one:


Efforts are still underway to rescue pets remaining displaced and to reunite them with their families.

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