Capturing a Woman’s Dedication: Over 300 Cats Rescued in Freezing Conditions

There are an estimated 150,000 cats and dogs wandering the streets of Istanbul, Turkey; this is a significant amount, and the administration is believed to be unsure how to address the matter.

Vera, a kind woman with a lovely heart, is doing everything she can to aid the animals in this city that are suffering.

Unfortunately, homeless animals in that nation do not often receive the full attention of the government, but she is a hero in her town, changing the lives of many of them.

Vera lives in Kartal, on the city’s southeastern outskirts, and is responsible for roughly 350 stray cats.

Despite the limits they face in terms of resources, they perform admirably and deserve to be recognized.

Vera has gathered a group of volunteers to join the Atalar Sahili Cat Neutering Group, which is committed to aiding cats.

These small creatures frequently fall into desperation due to hunger and the cold that they suffer when they are on the street without a roof or a house that gives them with shelter and security, and also offers them with medical help and food.

Vera works much harder to feed them throughout the cold. Because food is limited in the winter, she delivers him her daily allotment, which may weigh up to 22 kg.

The charity picks up sick cats and transports them to a veterinarian, who diagnoses them and prescribes therapy to help them recover.

They also help to sterilize cats; last year, they were able to sterilize 167 cats; this year, the task will be carried out with greater zeal and effort in the hopes of reaching a wider audience.

We are at a loss for words to adequately explain and celebrate this remarkable woman’s achievements, which are scarce in our day.

While many individuals stay at home and make excuses such as terrible weather, shortages, or a lack of time, she becomes engaged in the end results. He understands that every life matters, no matter how great the cost.

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