Feline Fashion: Taylor Swift’s Cat Takes the Spotlight on Time Magazine Cover

Taylor Swift và chú mèo Benjamin Button trên bìa tạp chí "Time" số đặc biệt - Ảnh: Time
Taylor Swift and cat Benjamin Button on the cover of “Time” magazine special issue – Photo: Time

On December 6, Taylor Swift was honored by Time magazine as Person of the Year. The female singer surpassed many strong candidates such as former president Donald Trump’s prosecutor, King Charles III…

Taylor Swift was honored as Person of the Year

Besides an “endless” long article on Time , Taylor Swift’s image also appears on the cover of the special issue. In particular, the moment Taylor Swift put a cat on her neck was shared by the singer on her personal page with a humorous status line.

Time said: ‘We choose you as Person of the Year’. I said: ‘Can I put my cat in the magazine?'”.

Singer Lover ‘s sharing excited fans. Some comments that netizens agree with are: “If something is important, you have to ask immediately”, “You are the best, what can you not do”, “Admiring Taylor Swift’s treatment of for pets”…

Taylor Swift thường xuyên chia sẻ ảnh mèo trên trang cá nhân - Ảnh: Instagram NV
Taylor Swift often shares cat photos on her personal page – Photo: Instagram NV

According to New York Magazine, it seems the photographer’s idea of bringing a cat to the shoot was suggested because he knew Taylor Swift really liked cats.

Inez Van Lamsweerde, Taylor Swift’s photographer, said that the photo was inspired by the cover of Bill Hayward’s 1978 book Cat People .

The name of the cat on the Time cover is Benjamin Button (named after Brad Pitt’s character in The curious case of Benjamin Button ), adopted by Taylor Swift since 2019. In addition, the female singer also raises two other cats. are Meredith Gray and Olivia Benson.

Taylor Swift is a cat lady

Fans are no strangers to the “cat crazy” of Taylor Swift and her three cats, the reason is because the female singer diligently posts pictures of cats on her personal page.

Từ trái qua: Meredith Grey và Olivia Benson - Ảnh: Instagram NV
From left: Meredith Gray and Olivia Benson – Photo: Instagram NV

New York Magazine commented that Taylor Swift is “a cat lady” because the female artist has made her cats a part of her career. Many times Taylor Swift brings “three children” into her lyrics and music videos.

The owner of the hit Look what you made me do replied to Time in 2019:

“I have cats. I’m obsessed with them. I love my cats so much that when I got the role in a movie called Cats , I was sure I had to do this”.

Among Taylor Swift’s three pets, Olivia Benson’s cat is said to be the richest pet in the world.

Taylor Swift also set up a separate personal account for Olivia, a Scottish Fold cat whose assets are estimated by All About Cats to be about 97 million USD in early 2023.

Taylor Swift’s pet makes money by acting in music videos, posting advertisements…

Taylor Swift là nhân vật của năm do Time bình chọn Taylor Swift is Time’s person of the year

On December 6, Taylor Swift was honored by Time magazine as Person of the Year. The female singer surpassed many strong candidates such as former president Donald Trump’s prosecutor, King Charles III…

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