Introducing the Cat Who Believes He’s a Little Lamb

This is Steve, a delightful ginger kitty who has a very unusual following…a flock of lambs!

Steve, who lives in New Zealand, started off life as an indoor cat. During the cold winter months Steve’s human Amanda brought inside her flock of lambs to keep them warm and that’s when something very strange happened, Steve became very friendly with all the lambs.

Amanda explains: “He’d just sort of get used to them and spend time with them inside and then the lambs move outside and we started noticing Steve wasn’t inside any more and we’re like ‘where’s Steve?”

They looked out of the window and noticed that Steve was happily hanging out with the lambs. He’s sort of became their leader and the lambs follow him where ever he goes.

Since then, Steve and his lambs have become inseparable and they do most things together except when it’s bottle feeding time and he patiently waits nearby until they’ve finished their meal.


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