Rescuing cries downstairs, he nurtured the smallest fur balls into beautiful cats.

One night a year ago, a man heard something that sounded like birds chirping coming from underneath his house. He didn’t know what it was until the next day when he heard it again.

He and his roommate couldn’t believe what they discovered, which took them on quite an interesting journey.

"image" reddit/RedArremerAce

It was a cold November day in North Carolina. The man had just returned home with his roommate and stopped the car on the street when he heard chirping again.

“With daylight shining in, I was determined to solve this problem. My roommate beat me to the crawlspace entrance screaming ‘Aww!’. She turned her head and said: ‘It’s a kitten!’ ,” reddit user RedArremerAce told Love Meow .

“I felt guilty, wishing I had tried to investigate more the night before. I rushed to the crawl space and looked inside with my iPhone’s flashlight. There, in the dirt, was a precious little ball of black fluff. The eyes are still there.” closed the door, gasped for air and cried – quite loudly at this point.”

He gave his roommate a flashlight and she disappeared downstairs. A few minutes later, she returned with the smallest ball of fur in her hand. “She brought me the little creature and I held it in my arms, overwhelmed by its cuteness, wondering what its survival rate would be, etc. Then we heard a lot of ‘chirps’. ’ than coming from the other side of the crawl space.”

"image" reddit/RedArremerAce

The roommate turned around and a few minutes later, she appeared with another kitten.

Once they were sure they had all the kittens, they brought the furry kittens inside to warm up. Their resident cats are fascinated by the tiny newcomers. The kitten is no longer cold but very hungry.

"image" reddit/RedArremerAce

“At this point, I’m looking online to see how others have handled these situations in the past. I found everything from full ‘how to’ instructions to forum discussions that lead me to believe that their mother may have been foraging for her own food and that they would have a good chance of survival than if we let her handle them herself,” he told Love Meow.

“We discussed and decided that if there was a mother, she certainly wouldn’t have been here for a while because of how hungry and dirty they were.”

"image" reddit/RedArremerAce

They went to the store to buy some supplies and milk replacer for the kittens.

“When we got home, we warmed up the milk, cut the nipple off the bottle and each fed one of the little angels. They were finally quiet, finally full.”

The guy took responsibility and learned how to take care of the tiny kittens around the clock. He always keeps the babies warm because they cannot control their body temperature at such a young age.

“They sleep for hours, looking precious and content. You can barely tell where one kitten stops and the other begins, they are cuddling and keeping each other warm.”

“I recently quit my job and have a lot of free time. Those little ones took me from aimless and depressed to busy and fulfilled. Taking care of them and watching them grow is one of the most gratifying experiences I have ever had in my life.

“Every few hours we feed, burp and bathe the babies. Both children began to grow bigger and healthier. Their eyes open and they start to develop some personality.”

“They will soon no longer sleep immediately after eating. They love playing with toys and each other,” he told Love Meow.

The two brothers are named Inky and Sue!

Now a year later, the kittens are all grown up!

“I can’t believe how big they are! Both have been photographed, both have been edited, and are without a doubt the most gentle, sweet-natured animals I have ever seen.”

Two “leopard” kittens snuggle up to their father every night. Whenever he sits at his desk or works at home, they sit with him and keep him company.

“They can’t seem to get enough of my love and the feeling is mutual.”

The two cat siblings are completely inseparable.

“People told me they were lucky to find them and didn’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t,” he told Love Meow.

“I think that’s right. I also think I was ‘lucky’ (lucky) to find them.”

“It may sound cheesy coming from a 31-year-old man, but they came into my life at the right time and they have enriched my daily experiences beyond measure.

Cats (and animals in general) will reciprocate every ounce of love you give them, and then some .”

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